My mother requested me to practice my folding skills with Play-Doh after obversing my ugly looking work. In the picture above, the ones on the left are mine whereas on the right they are the perfect little curry puffs made by my mother. I know presentation is important but once they're in your stomach, they would all look the same. Hehe.
A few days ago, I overheard my father discussing with his friend on how children these days cannot afford living with their work salary in some significant kind of lifestyle. They emphasised on designer's espressos and I was a little ashamed. It's true, at least for me. I have been living this sort of lifestyle since I was studying abroad. Whenever I want to catch up with friends, I would definitely end up at one of these coffee place. Even when I need to catch up with work, these cafes would be my choice of place. I think these coffee houses are pretty convenient. Everything under one roof - the drinks, the food, wireless connection, air-conditioning, good music, comfort, comfort and comfort.
The above is my personal favourite. I know I should have some sense of loyalty to the cafe I used to work in and to another competitor for which I used to always get free drinks. I don't know, I just can never get sick of this place. Even when their drinks are no longer up to my standard.
Let me tell you some of my experience with Starbucks Coffee:
1. I was introduced to Caramel Macchiatto 4 years ago and since then it has become my usual order.
2. Due to some bad influence, I.... erm.... stole one of their tall sized mugs.
3. I get 20% to 30% discount off my total bill in Penang because my cousin is a Starbucks' Coffee Master.
4. One Indian-English barista is Edinburgh Forest Road branch was cute.
5. Tell me who doesn't go dating in Starbucks?
6. Ever since my trip to Uptown 37's Starbucks, my Caramel Macchiatto is never perfect anymore. They need to go easy with the foam and give me more milk, goddammit!
Inhale... exhale... maybe if someone was generous enough to get me an espresso machine, I could make my own Caramel Macchiatto and not complain a lot.
Experience No. 5 : No, i don't go dating in Starbucks. I went to Secret Recipe. hehehe (yup, the laugh and yup, it is not serious at all)
Experience No. 5: so it explains why you had 'no time' to drop by my house yesterday
since you posted this particular photo, it means that you have already uploaded the rest into your pc. email them to me already!!!
and curry puffs for some friends, where's mine? or you gave all to....
Experience No. 5 was not necessarily about me. It's a general statement and even if it was about me, it's not only about the current time.
curry puffs were sent to nearby friends that only require a few steps of my foot to reach their houses. no offence lah, i'll give some to you next time. okaay?
what's this, you getting commission from Starbucks or something? Generate more traffic and Sbux might actually give you more discounts ;)
btw, i feel the same way abt starbucks. but mainly coz i used to work there. teehee!
that must be a few very big steps of your foot.
seriously it was just up the road.
and maybe starbucks should give me some commission. hmm.
just up the road eh? sure sure
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