Sunday, 23 December 2007

walking down memory lane

2 days to Xmas and I'm looking forward for another day off work! Eid-ul Adha was just a few days ago and it was celebrated moderately by us. I actually spent most of the day catching up on my beauty sleep. Been staying up late watching McDreamy in action. **droool**

This month is a month of excessive spending. Strangely, it wasn't for my new clothes or new shoes. There were too many gatherings - from farewells to reunions.... and hell they cost quite a damage to my pocket. Looks like I'm going to begin the next year with very little money in my piggy bank.

Although, I am filled with joy and happiness to share some wonderful news from my high school friends. One is engaged, the other too is engaged and one more is having a baby! What an exciting way to end the year.

Not only am I hearing these great news from them, I'm also bumping into familiar faces which I haven't seen in a long 7 years. They all look the same, just like how they were in school uniform. Makes me wonder whether they think the same of me but to be honest, I hope they notice some changes because I think I have grown so much since the last decade.

I have grown to love cupcakes!
(Picture taken at Bijou)

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