Sunday, 25 January 2009

2009 Resolutions

OK, so I'm a little late in finalising my new year's resolutions. Now that I have some time to think and re-evaluate myself (a thing that I have been doing quite too often lately), these are what I plan or still plan to do in 2009:

1) To stay healthy - to eat balance meals, do more outdoor activities and have some more gym time.

2) To watch an award winning film every fortnight - I have a whole list of it!

3) To prepare and make new dishes at least twice a month - I kinda miss living on my own and having to decide what to eat every day.

4) To pick up one kind of sports and be good in it - I've been wanting to play squash and master the sport ever since I left UoE. Maybe if this goes well this year, I'll pick up golf in 2010.

5) To finish a book this year - Yes one book. I'm being realistic here.

6) To further explore the world - I already have Singapore on my calendar, perhaps Bali in July and we'll see where my savings can take me later on this year.

7) To contribute to the unfortunates - More charity walks / runs to come and maybe it's time to visit the orphanage and old folks' home again.

Seven resolutions for 2009. I'm not being too ambitious here, am I?

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