Monday, 23 February 2009

i love pie

I baked chicken pie on Sunday after much time spent preparing the ingredients. Truthfully, this is not my first time making it but I thought I should start off this cooking frenzy with something familiar and would definitely taste good.

Since I only managed to get the thin individual ready-sliced puff pastries, I had to place the pie into small separate tin foils (look at the picture below). Don't call me stingy because I would love to make a bigger pie, if only the puff pastry could cover the bigger pyrex we have at home. Plus, it would save so much of my time if I could make one big chicken pie!

Aaah, I was really into baking/cooking so I personalised the pies a wee bit. Each of the pie had our initials on it so no one would argue which pies they should take. We were also a little bit too generous with the egg yolks on the pastries. As a result, my pies were really so golden!

Voila! The final product. My chicken pie served with my mom's salad. And yes it was edible and stomach-ache-free!!! :)


Annie said...

where's mine? :(

Anonymous said...

now, biggest mystery of all, why did the filling started off in a round tin dish, and came out oval?

your J pie is nothing compared to MY J pie...

jaygee said...

babe, we shall hv our adventerous cooking session again (without having to involve any burnt bulu jari). the next time i make pie, i'll save some for u :)

anon, if u rotate the first pic 90 degrees, we wont hv a circular tin foil anymore!

Anonymous said...

Dear jaygee,

Optical illusion or what? Anyway, your J pie looks very familiar, looking very much like Mrs. G's chicken pie. Hmmmm... original recipe?

Why can't I attach pictures here? I want to show off MY J pie.

jaygee said...

of course its original recipe and it's definitely not Mrs G's recipe!

show me your J pie. no way you can post a picture here in this comment section, but you can email it to me and i'll do you a favour and post the picture on the blog so that we can share the picture with everybody!

Annie said...

yeah, 'adventure cooking' sounds like fun ;)