Starbucks rolls out Via instant coffee - (The Star 04/03/09)
CHICAGO (AP) - Alongside its flashy array of triple espressos, foamy cappuccinos and half-caff extra-hot flavored lattes, Starbucks Corp. unveiled its newest coffee drink Tuesday: a cup of average, instant Joe served up for the equally proletarian price of about a dollar a cup.
Hoping to convince recession-shocked customers to return to the brand that has spent years cultivating coffee connoisseurs, Starbucks is at first offering instant coffee only in Chicago and the chain's home base of Seattle.
Executives hope the water-soluble "Via" - sold in three- and 12-packs - will reinvigorate the chain's sagging sales and profits, and give it an edge in the globe's $17 billion market for instant coffee.
> Those who are visiting Chicago or Seattle soon, you know what to get for me :)
they are so desperate to stay aliveeeeeeeeeeee
tell me about it. apparently the instant coffee is nothing like the coffee we get from the cafe!!
i want iced caramel macchiatto.....
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