Sunday, 30 August 2009

i'm back (at least for now)

I think it's about time to erase the Iranian president's face off my latest post. I have to be honest here, I actually have no thoughts of writing anything interesting right now (as if they were all interesting previously!). But I've been thinking, I know that I used to write a lot in the past. I think I could be rather funny and I think I could write fairly well. Hmm, maybe it's time to pick up on the old hobby again.

So what's been up with me lately? I bought a new computer and now I should have more motivation to do what I had been wanting to do whilst I had restricted internet access at home. I have also started realising my dream (though I'm thinking of baby steps right now) of launching my own (or rather my family's own) eatery/bakery! My family and I have been selling brownies for the past one month and we are very grateful that the demand has been pretty wonderful.

Of course I just turned 20 something a week ago. Nothing has changed as I'm still the same old person. As of now, I'm a full time soul seeker until further notice.

Glad to be writing again.


Annie said...

babe, the photo on the header is distorted leh. at least on my lappie it is...

jaygee said...

maybe its distorted when viewing with safari.

hmm, i'm not sure whether i like this header or not..

Annie said...

wasn't using safari la. firefox