Sunday, 16 September 2007


A fully utilised Sunday, that's what today was like. But everything just went with the flow as I did not plan for today to be as exciting as this.

Well, not quite exciting. Something fishy has gone on in my fish bowl today. All my fishes have died suddenly without any known reasons. At 4 in the morning, they were all normally swimming in the bowl and the next thing I know, three have died. It was really upsetting because they were all fine before this. The final fish joined the others later in the afternoon and that's the end of my responsibility as a fish owner.

Sometimes I wonder whether it is any different to take care of a cat instead of fishes. I have dreamt about petting a cat and only waiting for the right opportunity to realise my dream. But after this experience, I fear that I may only manage to keep the cat alive for just more than two weeks. And somehow to kill a cat is more scary looking than to kill some small fishes.

Worries put aside. Earlier, I took my brother for some games of bowling. We managed to attract some attention from this middle aged lady on the next lane who seemed so impressed with my brother's bowling skills. Once he scored a strike (he has the potential to be better than me, who is surprised?) and the lady pointed to my brother and said to her friends, "Oooh, did you guys see that? That little boy just scored a strike!". It also took me by surprise because the ball he threw often hit the side barriers which prevent the ball to enter the longkang, making a zig zag line and finally hit the pins at the centre and knocked all ten pins! Some luck. Whereas, I have sprained my wrist (which I nearly called my ankle!) while I was throwing the disgustingly oily bowling ball.

Because I am very very particular about my physique, I decided to run around the park just before breaking fast. I then only realised how much energy I had when I was fasting and it was not impressive at all. Try doing sit ups when your stomach is empty. You'd stop doing it after the fifth time because you'd be embarassed that your empty stomach is singing out loud while you are struggling with the sit ups.

And here I am still working on my new physical challenge which has yet to be revealed.


Annie said...

it could be the stones u didnt wash. heheheh

jaygee said...

hmmm.. i have already washed them when i changed the water. oh well. life is too short for these poor little fishes.

Annie said...

so exactly how many days did they stay alive? you should have given me the fishes instead. they stand a better chance under my care. hahaha :p

Anonymous said...

the easiest would be petting a fighting fish. they are so easy you dont even have to feed them often. i had mine for almost a year. sometimes fishes die because you feed them too much. as they suffer from short term memory loss, they forgot that they're full and finally bloated to death. keep that in mind..

Greg said...

do u pump air into the bowl?

jaygee said...

i have had the fishes for 16 days probably and i put them in a small bowl because they were small fishes. because of that, i didn't pump any oxygen in the water but i did put a couple of oxygen bubbles in the bowl. to anon, thanks for that useful information. i'm pretty sure i didnt feed them that often but who knows, maybe the other people in the house did.

Anonymous said...

maybe you need to treat your water? like de chlorinate it and get rid of the heavy metals. you can get special tablets that treat it.

jaygee said...

dear anon, i did put some clorine and salt in the water just like how the guy in the fish shop said. also the oxygen bubbles. i hope that's all right and they didn't die because of the water mixture.

Yazmin said...

i think cats have longer life span then i dont think they will die after two weeks lah, after all, they have nine lives kan? heeh happy ramadhan dearest..:D