Sunday, 16 September 2007

wiseman says

It has been a while since I felt this way. Ever since I left university, I realised that whatever I did wasn't the best I could give. Until yesterday. I thought I have given all I could, although not completely due to the fasting session, and honestly I have never felt so tired and stressed up about something since my final year exams four months ago.

Everything that has been happening for the past week probably will not offer me the satisfaction and security which I have longed, but it surely does help me be aware of the future happenings. I figure with the amount of time I prepare for it each time, however disappointing the outcome would be, I'd give myself more exposure to these challenging experience. That's how it goes, doesn't it - you learn from your mistakes.

Here are some words of advice:

If you don't like the way things are in your life, do something about it.

If you have been disappointed, think about it for a wee while then get up on your two feet and move on.

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