It was the graduation day for our seniors CMT and it was very significant because it was organised by my colleagues and I. No doubt it was tough work but the result was satisfying and we received many compliments from a number of the bank's big shots including our dearly CEO.
The preparation for this event has tested our ability to cope with a lot of pressure and high expectations. I personally was challenged to the highest degree with the responsible of the team leader for this project. However without the concerns of my precious colleagues, I don't think I could have led this important event.
Well done CMT10, without all of you this would not have happened. If it wasn't for our late nights and working weekends, we wouldn't have gotten our panda eyes and all of the great comments today.
jun!! you work in a bank? hehe we should meet! loads to catch up!
wah.....gaya giler, with the suit and pose...
hehe, we should definitely catch up mynn! i have updates! :)
greg, i wonder which pose is bergaya. as far as i know, the pose in the 2nd picture was abit erm.. silly.
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