Preparing was definitely a pain but all the hard work was paid off. Everyone got stressed up because the organiser a.k.a. my mother was stressed up. But then again, if she wasn't like that, I don't think the open house would be as great as it turned out to be. Cousins whom I haven't seen in nearly a decade turned up with their own troops. The children were so adorable but it was very tough to get hold on to one.
Funny how I felt like I haven't seen all these cookies and kueh mueh until the day of the open house. Can you believe that I don't even know what cookies my mother made for raya? This is the first time it happens, no thanks to my busy schedule. Anyway, everything was good until the point where you just had too much to eat.
I decorated cupcakes again but this time they look edible. Lol. These cupcakes were the first to finish (we only made a few). They were supposed to be just plain lemon poppyseed cupcakes with cream cheese top. But since I had too much of the fancy cake decorations, I decided to entertain myself making them colourful.
We had so much food, from my mother's cooking to my grandmother's to my cupcakes to my sister's Mac & Cheese and finally to the catered Satay Kajang. These are only some of the delicious food served. The others were Laksa Siam, Nasi Himpit with Kuah Kacang, Pai Ti (Chinese Popiah/spring rolls), and Longan fruits. We currently have so much left overs despite the good turn ups. So guess what we're eating this whole week?
So that's us waiting for the first guest to arrive. I took out my camera tripod for the occassion but never actually used it. Here my mother was probably panicking in the kitchen. Hehe.
Ahaaa, 3 of 4 Marchmont Girls. We finally met up again after graduation and man, there was so much to talk about. I wished you were here Naw... we have completely lost contact!
The usual suspects some may call us. Don't we all look so grown up? Thank you for coming :) :)
This is one very adorable little boy. I only managed to get this nephew of mine (cousin's son) when I offered chocolates to him. He still makes me weak on my knees....
And finally, my longest friends. The bumble bee and Kadazan dancers days. It's unbelievable that we're still in touch and I love you people a lotttt!
It's still raya so I'm going to wish everyone a Happy hari raya again! x x x
*gasp* so jealous!! wish i was there and my stomach is growling.. i forgot fara is back in m'sia now!! how funn! when you coming back jun??? and you got tix to spice girls concert??? howd u manage that?!? miss you! xxx
hey naaaaw! i'm coming back in january to get all my rubbish from fara's. i got the tix but i cannot go. so if you know anybody who would want to go on the 9th Jan, let me know! i have 2 tix! x x
waaaaaaaaaaa... next year raya better be grand!! mama cooked all that food? have she been cooking all month or something?
if you come back im sure it would be grand. everything was cooked by mama the morning of the open house day. tu la, orang suruh balik tak nak...
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