Sunday 28 December 2008

wedding / engagement photos

Oh gosh. I have taken so many photos this month so I have to make it a point to upload them on my rather dead blog.

20th December 2008 - Another Pink Rosey Posh Marchmont Girls got hitched! Kat, my former housemate in Edinburgh tied a knot with the love of her life on a beautiful Saturday night. Being her only ex-housemate in Malaysia, I thought my attendance that night would be much appreciated as I would be representing all from 62 Marchmont Road.

I came an hour earlier on her Nikah night just to spend some quality time with her before she became Mrs ZR. She was gorgeous that night - the most feminine Kat I had even seen!

Mr & Mrs ZR after only one lafaz. They look so cute together!

21st December 2008, Sunday - The newlyweds' wedding reception at PJ Hilton. It was a grand traditional wedding with a touch of Negeri Sembilan's cultural element. The above picture - Edinburgh Malaysians reunited (minus the Warwick dude.. LOL). We ended the night with some snacks from A&W and the 'excitement' to return to work the very next day.

This weekend - The engagement of my cousin bruva in Putrajaya on Sunday, 28th December 2008. Short and sweet ceremony started with the rombongan lelaki carrying 5 trays of hantaran into the girl's house. I was once again a hantaran carrier and once again carrying a tray of cupcakes!

Our sweaty selves after the ceremony. Can't wait for the big day although it's going to be sometime late next year!

This is not the end of the wedding frenzy. I've got to attend a few more weddings next week.

Gosh I'm exhausted.

Monday 15 December 2008

xmas cookies

Ever since I promised my colleague that I would make gingerbread man cookies for her Xmas dinner, I have been very interested in any gingerbread cookies / Xmas cookies I lay my eyes on. Last Sunday, I visited Cake Sense to commit some sinful crime and ended up getting a pair of cookies displayed below.

The glossy gingerbread men were cute all right but it didn't taste so great. So I distributed them to my younger siblings. Heh.

Today, one of my other colleagues was giving out Xmas treats in the department. There were beautiful and colourful cupcakes and cookies and since the cookies were nicely wrapped, I grabbed one of them. All the treats looked so gorgeous no body wanted to eat them! I finally did once I showed the cookie to my mom to admire. Hm, nothing great on the taste.

I still love my gingerbread people ;)

Saturday 13 December 2008

121208 & 131208

Yes. Be very surprised that I'm writing again.

On Friday night, I headed to Kampung Pengantin for Naw's sister's wedding and that was the beginning of a wedding frenzy month. Naw used to be one of my homies in Edinburgh and I hadn't seen her since I graduated last year. She emailed me on one of the days earlier this week, surprising me with her return for her eldest sister's wedding. And I was very honoured to be invited.

I still am horrible at taking pictures. The above picture was the clearest picture I took last night of the newlyweds. Great couple, perfect wedding. I wish them all the best and may their marriage last forever :)

Naw looked as marvelous as ever. Glad to have seen her again after a long one and a half years. I wonder when the complete set of Marchmont Girls are going to reunite. I have a hunch at it's going to be when a child (or more) is/are in the picture. OMG. Anyway, last night was lovely and thanks again for the invite!

I reached home last night around 11 pm and only ended the night at 1 am. Four hours later after an unpleasant sleep (no thanks to this crazy cough), I was getting ready for a charity run at the Lake Garden in town. It was the most dramatic 5 am I have ever had. Don't ask me how but I lost my LAST left contact lense while I was dressing up. You have no idea how many times I swore this morning and how frustrated I was. After a deep breath, I told myself that I still have to run regardless being partially blind.

Heh. A minute into the run, I confirmed that I am so unfit. Mind you, it was a 5 km run. After much struggle, I completed the run in forty minutes. It's pathetic. I need to buck up.

These are my team members at work. All of us participated expect for our dear team leader who couldn't make for the run. Although this activity was very exhausting, we all did have fun. I walked down memory lane this morning as this reminded me of the charity runs I joined in my final university year.